Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Summer Pocket Hat Project

Could This be a Three fold solution? ~Sun Protection~convenience~ and STYLE??

What were they thinking? Did ANYONE actually wear one of these?? Posted by PicasaCategories: crafts_


At 11:38 AM, Blogger steven edward streight said...

I like the hat.

At 3:09 PM, Blogger majamom said...

LOL STEVEN_this entire project just cracks me up!!

At 8:24 PM, Blogger steven edward streight said...

You are one cool blogger, mb! That owl with the string and scissors is really fab.

Nobody knows this, but one of my best friends, who made underground films with me like "Bird from Another Dimension", "Madness in America", "The Sleeping Charlie", "Alcoholic Hell House", and "Adventures in the Art House"...

...he's a real avid antique collector and he finds things at thrift stores and in alleys as he walks his Australian dingo dog.

He'd like to see your vintage items.

I had a girlfriend many years ago who bought all the stock of an old women's clothes store that went out of business. She got all these original capris and clothing with tags that said "As seen on Hullaballoo" or "As seen on Shindig" -- stuff like that. 60s mod styles.

We tried to sell them on the streets of New York in Greenwich Village, but we should've just sold them to the Antique Boutique that is seen on Seinfeld when George and Kramer are selling old raincoats to the store.

My wife and I shop at Goodwill a lot, that's where I get a lot of great business and computer books for $1.00 or $ Net Gain and books by Tom Peters and Drucker.

At 7:03 PM, Blogger majamom said...

Hi Steven-oh Good WIlls are so great!!!
We dont have one here-I have an hours travel which is no Biggie in decent weather, but driving down to 110+ is so not appealing =(

Send all your thrifting Vintage collecting friends on over Dear Steven!!


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